Our Services

Design and Development for Mobile.

Native Applications

We believe the best mobile experiences are handcrafted, customized from the ground up. When we build for iOS, we optimize our apps for the iOS paradigm. When we build for Android, we make full use of Android’s functionality. Built with the DNA of the device they live on, native apps drive immersive mobile experiences.


Characteristics of Native Apps

  • Developed specifically for the devices they live on
  • Downloaded from the Apple App store, the Google Play Store and Windows Store
  • Drive enhanced user experiences
  • Optimized for speed and performance across devices
  • Able to operate without Internet connectivity



Responsive Web Design

  • Everyone is talking about responsive design, but what does it mean to us? Responsive web design (RWD) is a website design and development method that ensures site content is usable across all device sizes and screens. HTML5 and CSS3 gives developers a set of tools to achieve this goal.
  • Feature Detection: The best way to approach responsive design, is utilization of code that determines “This visitor is utilizing a device whose screen measures 480 pixels wide” – or “This user lets me use their location” – not “This user is on an iPhone”. Media Queries: Inove uses CSS media queries to detect device size, reflow content, and fit the user experience to the actual device.

Native-Wrapped Mobile Websites

A native-wrapped mobile website retrieves web views from multiple sources and/or web components. Inove’s Mobile Tango platform digests the data produced by the multitude of sources and creates a single mobile-optimized web view that exists on a desktop website.

Why do some clients choose to develop a native-wrapped mobile websites?

  • Lower cost to create – not as expensive as a native app
  • Constantly changing site content via a web portal
  • New version updates do not have to deployed via the app store & undergo the app store approval process